Mmm irish Beer

So I went to the Celtic Corner again, and the owner was there.

They taught me a new dice game called shock…and it seemed I was going well until I had to buy everyone a round. Don’t know exactly how that happened, but I somehow ended up with all the coasters 🙁

Anyways…we’re going to take a work trip this morning…so I’m off.

I have to upload all my weekend photos and do that entry this evening. Maybe I’ll lay off the Guinness tonight to make that a probability.

2 Comments so far

  1. Marilyn on May 6th, 2008

    Hmmmm… makes one wonder how well they taught you to play that game. And it’s pretty funny that you had to buy! Or have I just heard way too many stories from back in your younger pizza-, Gulp-, and movie-mooching days?

    Really enjoying the photos and seeing everything through your eyes, Todd. Thanks!

  2. Todd on May 7th, 2008

    Well, that’s the name of the game Shock. It’s a shock that you loose.

    I only lost once 😉

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